Macaroni in Mubarak Port Said - Port Said

East Delta Flour Milling

Address El Gala St., Aga - Dakahlia - Egypt
Branches Aga - Dakahlia Dikirnis - Dakahlia El Amiryah - Cairo El Mansoura - Dakahlia
El Zagazeg - Sharkia
Keywords Flour - Macaroni - Pastry and Bakery -
Category Mills | Flour | Bakeries | Macaroni
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Rice Marketing Company

Rice Marketing Company

Address NULL - Aswan - Egypt
Branches Al Mostkbal - Ismailia Aswan - Aswan Berket El Saba - Menoufia Down Town - Cairo
El Amiryah - Cairo
Keywords Macaroni - Rice -
Category Rice Mills | Grains - Seeds | Macaroni

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